Tuesday 14 May 2013

Kevin Smith can lay claim to such achievements as Clerks, Dogma and his own toilet in the Prince Charles cinema in Piccadilly Circus. He would probably want to ignore Red State and Cop Out. But whether you love or hate him, Smith is the type of director who has managed to collect a cult following over the last few decades. He is also some who is not unknown to have his projects canned, most famously his take on Superman, Superman Lives. Smith killed off Supes by blocking out the sun and having him brought back to life by The Eradicator.

But many of his fans would hope that his new script for a third Clerks film would not meet the same fate. Smith said “IT IS ACCOMPLISHED!” revealed the writer / director on the social networking site. “First draft of CLERKS III is 137 pages. Plays like the EMPIRE STRIKES BACK of what's now become the Clerks Trilogy. And I am SO in love with it.” Recently Smith has stated that a new sequel would find it's way in the form of an online series or a comic book. But it seems Smith has put together a first draft for a finale to his Clerks trilogy. Smith continued to discuss his new installment, "Pictured is the script with the clapboard we used on the original CLERKS,” continued Smith. “Both the old clapboard and the old filmmaker are ready to go back to Jersey for the last time.” It may be a while till it makes its way onto the big screen but at least it won't suffer the same fate as Superman. 

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